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Beauty from the inside out

The 30-day Wellness Guide:
more strength and vitality in your everyday life

With the daily demands of work and family, your own needs are often short-changed – almost everyone knows the feeling of having no time for themselves any more.

Yet how much time do we really need to do ourselves some good, to make ourselves sparkle? A few small rituals and a little attention, taking less than 30 minutes, is often enough to spoil ourselves and bring the glow back. Beauty lies in uniqueness, as the saying goes.

1.    Allow yourself some peace

Regular meditation helps us to drop old patterns of thinking and to be less at the mercy of our ruminations.
This is fascinating in terms of your relaxation and composure. Because no doubt you yourself know how you often get more compliments on your radiant appearance after a holiday than when you're stressed out by everyday life.

Be creative about the sort of meditation that suits you personally. Perhaps the accompaniment of beautiful music helps you to calm down, or a moving poem, a short piece of prose or a CD meditation guide.

2.    Be unique. Recognise your own value.

Maybe you can still remember your first piece of expensive jewellery? How proud and happy you were to be wearing it?
Since then, perhaps, you have learnt what shapes and colours look particularly good on you and appeal to you. We'd like to invite you to experiment and to pay attention to how you choose to adorn your body. For we believe it often comes down to the little details that make you unique and give you that certain something. A few suggestions:

    - The jewellery that you wear regularly - how does it feel?
    - Does it do your body good?

Take the trouble to wear the best product for you. For the sake of your health, your uniqueness and your beauty.

3.    Quality, not quantity.

As far as adorning and caring for our body is concerned, one single point can make that all-important difference: quality, not quantity.
Pay attention to the quality of what you put on your skin – whether it's the jewellery that you wear every day, your clothing or the creams and oils that you use.

If you are uncertain in any of these areas about the products that suit you, ask your friends what they think or seek the help of an expert. Over time, it will save you time and money.

Are you longing for more vitality and strength in your everyday life?

Then take part now in our free MAGNETIX Wellness Guide. Every day, you will receive from us an email with a valuable tip for better wellbeing and vitality. Start improving your wellbeing straight away – without any great effort!

Order the '30-day Wellness Guide' email newsletter free of charge here: